
The SWIFT-HEP coordinator is Davide Costanzo (Sheffield, ATLAS)
and deputy Conor Fitzpatrick (Manchester, LHCb).
The current conveners of the work packages are:
- WP1: David Colling (Imperial, CMS) and Alastair Dewhurst (RAL-SCD, Tier0)
- WP2: Andy Buckley (Glasgow, ATLAS) and Marek Schönherr (Durham, Theory)
- WP3: Adam Davis (Manchester, LHCb) and Ben Morgan (Warwick, DUNE, LEGEND)
- WP4: Chris Jones (Cambridge, LHCb) and Stewart Martin-Haugh (RAL-PPD, ATLAS)
- WP5: Luke Kreczko (Bristol, CMS/LZ) and Eduardo Rodrigues (Liverpool, LHCb)
Starting from SWIFT-HEP 1.5 WP1 and WP5 are working together to deliver the tools needed by the users to develop an analysis facility
Advisory board
The advisory board is formed by the UK spokespersons of the major experiments as well as the PI of GridPP and IRIS
- ATLAS: Pedro Teixeira-Dias Pedro Teixeira-Dias
- CMS: Claire Shepherd-Themistocleous (Chair)
- LHCb: Nigel Watson
- DUNE: Gary Barker
- GridPP: Dave Britton
- IRIS: Jon Hays
Current team
People currently funded to work on SWIFT-HEP are
- WP0: Davide Costanzo (Sheffield), Project manager effort at RAL
- WP1/5: Sam Eriksen (Bristol), Tim Noble (RAL)
- WP1/5: RSE effort at Imperial College
- WP2: Chris Gutchow (UCL), Fernando Abudinen (Warwick, externally funded), RSE effort at Warwick
- WP3: Ben Morgan (Warwick), RSE effort at Manchester
- WP4: Alison Elliot (RAL), Jyoti Biswal (RAL), Ryan Cross (Warwick)