News and announcements
- Upcoming: Join us for the 9th SWIFT-HEP Workshop on 10-11 April 2025
- Join us for the 8th SWIFT-HEP/ExaTEPP Workshop on 11-12 November 2024
- SWIFT-HEP Phase 1.5 begins
- SWIFT-HEP workshop on 25-27 March 2024
- Phase 2 vision document sent to STFC
- SWIFT-HEP workshop on 21-22 November 2023
- SWIFT-HEP starts!
To exploit the full physics potential offered by the large data sets collected by the next-generation experiments, new software and algorithmic techniques are required to handle their production rate, volume, and complexity.This need has led to an international roadmap for software development and the establishment of the HEP Software Foundation (HSF) to address problems that are common across HEP experiments.
SWIFT-HEP is a project funded by STFC as a UK contribution to the development of software for High Energy Physics experiments.
(More details).
Work packages
SWIFT-HEP is organised in 5 work packages:Activities
SWIFT-HEP provides a platform for the community to interact on software development topics. Workshops are held twice a year, and topical meetings are held on a monthly basis. See the Indico category for full details.Training activities are also planned following the SIDIS curriculum.
The SWIFT-HEP coordinator is Davide Costanzo (Sheffield) and deputy Conor Fitzpatrick (Manchester).Each work package has two conveners who meet every four weeks.
An advisory board comprised by the UK spokespersons of the major HEP experiments oversees the activity of the project.
More details
Vision for SWIFT-HEP
SWIFT-HEP was extended for 18 months starting in April 2024. The extension will allow the people working on the project to continue with their work. Details are hereBeyond 2025, we expect to run a larger project SWIFT-HEP2 with an expanded list of work packages as summarised in a vision document